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TUE 5/30 - WORD OF MOUTH: Featured / Open Poetry Readings
| 7 PM - 9 PM

Word of Mouth Cincinnati (WoMC), a literary event consisting of both an Open Mic and a Feature Performance, runs the last Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. upstairs at MOTR Pub.

Word of Mouth Cincinnati, which began in January 2014, is co-hosted by fellow writers Jim Palmarini and Mark Flanigan. It was founded in memory of the late Aralee Strange who, after many years living, writing and producing work in the Cincinnati area, moved to Athens, Georgia where she co-founded Athens Word of Mouth.

WoMC is an intentional arc of both past and future utterance, inspired by our most revered voice, with a nod to her Athens, GA compatriots. Word of Mouth asks poets to Show Up, Mouth Off and Pay Attention.

Our feature on May 30, 2017 is Christopher McCurry (Lexington, KY).

Christopher McCurry teaches high school English in Lexington, Kentucky. His poetry has appeared in Diode, The Louisville Review, The Los Angeles Review, Rabbit Catastrophe Review, Rattle and others. His second chapbook of poems Nearly Perfect Photograph was published in 2016 by Two of Cups Press. He’s the co-founder of Workhorse, a literary collective for working writers.
