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Ben Sloan is a Cincinnati-based percussionist, sound-maker, and teaching artist with the MYCincinnati Youth Orchestra Program.

Balloon Face

In 2015, Sloan joined Stephen Patota, and founder Adam Petersen as members of A Delicate Motor. Quickly expanding beyond the original loop-based compositions, the ensemble grew to include 6 members, releasing their LP ‘Fellover My Own’ in 2017. Described as
“quiet and thoughtful, [aimming] to grab your attention with subtle gestures over Instagrammable flourishes” by Billboard, ADM has continued to delve deeper into their collective writing. Most recently in March, A Delicate Motor released the 4 track EP ‘Any Moment,' recorded, mixed, & produced by Sloan. This music was born from the invitation to participate in The National's Homecoming Music Festival in April 2018. Sloan, who was named Artist in Residence for the festival, seeded the music, which ADM then collectively developed.

Ben is set to release his debut EP 'm u t e d c o l o r s' in Fall 2019. The music is a result of many years of quietly recording, and producing - patiently developing an intricate and a unique composition style both rhythmically tight and free flowing, gently brushing at the boundaries of IDM, Jazz, Psych, and more. The result is a stylized collage of acoustic instruments, lo-fi field recordings, and hi-fi electronic sound.

Born and raised in Cincinnati, Sloan was shaped by the city’s slow ebb and flow and the tension therein. To date, Sloan has recorded and/or performed with such varied artists as The National, WHY?, Mouse On Mars, Melissa Laveaux, Helga Davis, Nate Brenner of tUnE-yArDs, Madeline Kenney, Serengeti, Helado Negro, and Rozi Plain.