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| 5-7P | ALL AGES

Jared Presley is an artist based in Cincinnati, Ohio. He doubles as both a musician and a photographer, and graduated from Northern Kentucky University with a Bachelor’s degree in Art in 2009. It was here that he began his love and exploration utilizing photography as an art. The portability of a camera has allowed him the ease to document the travels that his music has taken him upon. Both of his creative practices have grown together seamlessly, so his photos are harmonious like music, and his songs capture moments in time.

"Signs" showcases Presley’s nostalgia for the past and his love of sign design. What started as photo documentation during traveling has evolved into a project of massive scale. After all, there are signs all around the globe. Thousands of images were captured to curate the select few shown in this exhibition. Signage is an important physical record of modern history, past and future businesses, and trends of design throughout the ages. Their preservation and documentation is important for culture and society.

Jared Presley also enjoys documenting his travels to use as a time capsule for later enjoyment, and he also uses photography as an inspiration for other creative means.

Thank you for being a part of this show! All photos were taken with a Nikon DS5100. Purchase inquiries to